"The freedom of universities from market constraints is precisely what allowed them in the past to nurture the type of open·ended fundamental research that led to some of the most important (and least expected) discoveries in history. Today, as the line between academic and commercial science dissolves, as the openness of the academic culture gives way to a proprietary one, as professors are encouraged to think more and more like entrepreneurs, a question arises: Will the Paul Bergs of the future have the freedom to explore ideas that have no obvious and immediate commercial value?"
Jennifer Washburn
[excerto de livro de Jennifer Washburn (2006). University, Inc. The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education. Basic Books, New York. (pp. 352), retirado de mensagem datada de 2 de Junho de 2009, intitulada «"University, Inc. The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education" J. Washburn», disponível em Que Universidade ?]
Jennifer Washburn
[excerto de livro de Jennifer Washburn (2006). University, Inc. The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education. Basic Books, New York. (pp. 352), retirado de mensagem datada de 2 de Junho de 2009, intitulada «"University, Inc. The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education" J. Washburn», disponível em Que Universidade ?]
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